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Machine Tools

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PO Box 1401
Bibra Lake DC WA 6965
Unit 1/10 Renewable Chase
Bibra Lake
Perth Western Australia 6163
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
The range of MG 3 Roll Plate Rollers are a reliable and tested hydraulic bending machines. Three driving rollers with hydraulic pinching that guarantee a precise and constant drag of the material. Easy to use and precise in the execution of shell rings, it boasts a unique versatility thanks to the exclusive MG planetary geometry.
MG 3 Roll Plate Rollers are reliable and productive, the parallelism of the side rolls is controlled by a torsion bar system that connects both the ends of the side roll, eliminating the disadvantage of delicate and unreliable encoders. The rolls are driven by hydraulic motors and high efficiency planetary gearboxes, coupled directly on the rolls. The MG solution, with rolls assembled on sealed bearings and without secondary components, reduces the dispersions of the applied force generated by the frictions of the various components. It guarantees higher reliability, greater absorption of loads and increases the inclination capacity of the side rolls, resulting versatile in conical bending.
The side rolls move up and down on planetary swing guides. A perfect geometry that eliminates the disadvantages of linear gears. This allows us to have hydraulic pumps with lower flow motors, improving energy savings.
In the GE version both the movement and the rolls parallelism are electronic driven. Two proportional electro-valves, two transducers and a dedicated system grant precision, stability and repeatability over the time, and under any temperature and condition
In the GL version the side rolls move on a linear oblique channel reducing the space between the rolls. The point of contact of the side roll with the sheet metal takes place in a shorter space thanks to a narrower center distance; this allows working with very small diameters reducing further the flat edges. On this model, the parallelism of the rolls is electronic; two proportional electro-valves, two transducers with digital reading and a dedicated electronic control that guarantees precision and repeatability of each roll positioning over time, independent of temperature or any mechanical wearing, ensuring always-maximum precision.