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Product Catalogue | Steel Fabrication | Plate Bevellers » N.KO UZ12 Double Sided Plate Beveller

N.KO UZ12 Double Sided Plate Beveller

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The N.KO UZ12 Double Sided Plate Beveller creates weld ready bevels on linear plates of any shearable material. Including iron, steel (up to 60kg/mm2 or 85,000lbs/in²), stainless steel, brass, copper and aluminium. It bevels from 3 to 35mm in thickness, with a minimum plate width of 60 mm and minimum plate length of 60mm.


– Automatic feed
– Incredibly silent running.
– The bevelling angle is adjustable with an optional kit. Kits are available for 30, 45, 37.5, 22.5 and 50 degrees. The pressure bar unit and piece supporting unit are height adjustable and are also supplied with a visibly graduated scale.
– The machine can be hooked to the material in both horizontal or vertical positions, it can also be inverted in order to bevel the bottom side of the plate. Thus allowing both X and K bevels.
– The total weight of the machine is very low, therefore only one person is required for its operation.
– Inversion allows for creation of a double-sided bevel. As a result there is no need to rotate or flip heavy material.
– In addition, the machine is able to function as a stationary or moveable station.


Maximum Bevel Width: 12 mm
Bevel Angle: 30, 45, 22.5, 37.5 and 50 degrees (with angle kit)
Material Thickness: From 3 mm to 35 mm
Power: 400W
Feeding Speed: 1.8m/min
Weight: 30kg
Dimensions: 470 x 294 x 523 mm

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